4.00pm to 6.00 pm
The temperature of 9.8 degree C was recorded when I reached to Laban Rata Resthouse. I didn’t feel the cold weather after taking bath. My whole body was shaking due to cold condition and this was my first time to experience such cold weather. Lucky, winter coat that can withstand temperature of up to 8 degree C have been brought before this trip. Many thanks to my co-worker, who is willing to borrow his glove. The dinner buffet was started at 6.00 p.m to 7.30 p.m and after that will totally close for early breakfast preparation, which is starts at 1.00 a.m to 2.00 a.m.
6.00 p.m to 7.30 p.m
We were having luxury dinner buffet at canteen. I discovered that Laban Rata Resthouse was flooded by foreigners. I was wonder how come they can very easily to climb the mountain. My friend told me that may be they have long leg and frequently exercise.

15th July 2008
8.00 p.m to 2.00 p.m
We have had to sleep earlier for tomorrow climbing. I was started to feel headache (due to altitude sickness) and running nose. In fact, there is not running nose while my nose is blocking by nasal mucus. Hence, I only can use mouth for breathing. I tried to suck out the nasal mucus but failed to do this. I want to say apologize to my roommates because of the noisy sound as a result of struggling to suck out the nasal mucus. The heater which is placed in our room was started function at 8 p.m.
After a while, our room was warmed but the room environment became mugginess due to the bad ventilation. Thus, our room’s door was kept open for air circulation and shut downed that heater. I can’t sleep well and feel the altitude sickness became seriously.
15th July 2008
2.45 a.m
We departed at 2.45 a.m. One of my friends already gave up climbing the summit. Hence, only 3 of us were aimed to go there. Our guide needed to take care of us. We were well-equipped with head touch light, hat, coat, etc. The outdoor temperature of 7.4 degree C was recorded. The outdoor condition was very dark and we needed to pay high attention on the craggedness road. When I climbed more and more road, I felt very difficult to breathe due to lack of oxygen. I almost took a short break for every 10 steps.

5.51 a.m
Our guide really can’t to stand our speed. Hence, he taught us the easiest and fastest way to climb the mountain. Since our speed were very slow (we were the last person on that day), we were unable to watch the sunrise at summit on time. However, I never gave up for getting to summit. My aim was reached to summit and took some photos for future memory.

6.06 a.m

6.13 a.m

6.24 a.m
I wanted to stop half way due to my body already achieved maximum limit. However, this thinking already out because RM300 already paid for this trip. Probability this is my first and last time to climb the mountain. Besides, I also promised to co-workers that I will get the color certificate; I wouldn't back to office unless I obtained the certificate.

I don't know how to describe my feeling. I was so happy that I finally made it. My elbows of leg and thighs were started to feel pain. The painfulness was as a result of putting so much pressure or break during climb down the ramp. After I complained my painfulness, my guide taught me how to reduce the pressure by walking like snake.
8.53 a.m
It’s time for us to back to rest house to having breakfast.
9.30 p.m to 4.00 p.m
After having breakfast, we checked out at 9.30 a.m and started our journey to climb down the mountain. Our next station was Hot Poring, located 3 hours from Kinabalu park. Around 11.00 a.m, the sky was slightly turned to dark. Initially, the small rain was started and then we wear the rain coat. I think around 1.00 p.m, the small rain was turned to downpour. The route became more slip, thus I took more time to climb down.
At 4.00 p.m, the rain hasn't stopped yet. I felt pity to those who just wanted to climb the mountain. We were very luck because the downpour happened after we climbed down the mountain. In general, it is not allow to climb to mountain summit when raining and the road condition is wet. I used my last energy to reach Timpohon Gate, our first check point.
4.51 p.m
Finally I was certificated by Kinabalu Park. We rented a van to our next station of Hot Poring. After 3 hours journey, we were very tired and lazy to enjoy the hot poring.

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