Monsopiad Village in Sabah

Kota Kinabalu City Day 1

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Chinese New Year Biscuit

Chinese New Year is coming soon.
In conjuction with Chinese New Year (CNY), Carrefour has promotion on certain items such as arrow head (i don't know the english term, but "芽菇 in chinese term) that only RM 1.88 per kg. I bought one bag for preparing CNY biscuit.

After cleaning and peeling.

Required utilities in making CNY biscuit.

My fingers were covered to protect it from getting cut during cutting.

Fried it until the colour turned to golden yellow.

Cooling process

Packaging process.
This bottle will cost RM 15.00 if i sold it at pasar malam (night market).


Anonymous said...

Cool safety procedure...wrap the fingers before cutting the arrow heads

Anonymous said...

And it sure taste good as well.....Can open shop already....

Anonymous said...

Good call, I do think it's arrowhead. Though are they actually called biscuits, or are they more 'kerepek'?