My year 2009 resolutions are as below
- Concentrating on saving and cut the unnecessary things.No more travelling trip and reduced the shopping budget. Achievement = 80%
- Don't ever give lazy as an excuse on certain thing. Always lazy. Achievement = 20%
- Try not to be self-center and always take care of other. Still shooting people in front of them. Shooting and shooting until they asked me to stop with angry. Achievement = 10%
- Saving and indulge myself at the same time. Don't so be miserly to myself. Must wear and eat well. That's mean i need to increase my salary. The only way to do is ...........(everyone should know it lah)
- Every word comes out from my mouth should think twice before i speak it out. I would like to applogize to those who i had hurt in year 2009.
- Try to occupy my weekend with valuable and good quality activities, such as being volunteer, hiking, etc. Meet more new friends to expand my social networking. Don't be shame to everyone.